and Battle of the Band Chi!!

This blog is long past due! I am sure you readers have seen this company’s ad on the right side of our site (for BandChi!), or maybe even on our Myspace. If you do not know about BandChi! already … let me introduce you now! Oh and by the way … do not get confused when you see the exclamation point after Bandchi!. The exclamation point is part of the name … like this … BandChi!

Before I get into what exactly it is that BandChi! does, I want to tell you about The Battle of the BandChi!. Battle of the BandChi! is when various artists compete for the number one title! The grand prize is $1,000. The first Battle of the BandChi took place at Penguins down in the Igloo. This is a club out in Baltimore. BandChi! plans to use this format in various cities; for example … they are gearing up for a country music version in Orlando, FL.

BandChi! is all about promoting Independent musicians. For indie musicians it’s all about reach. Venues want acts that bring in bodies and labels want artists with a proven following. This is where BandChi! can help.

BandChi! started as a ticketing service where indie artists could post their events and expand their reach by selling their show tickets online. This is huge and yet most artists just don’t get it. Artists still don’t use it to their advantage. So artists LISTEN UP! Take advantage! Hit up Band Chi!

Now typically when an artist books a gig at a small club the venue gives the artist a fist-full of tickets to sell. The more patrons they drive to the event, obviously the more pleased the venue will be, and likely to invite that artist back. They may even get PAID!

If the artist relies solely on the hard tickets in hand, they are missing ten times that many sales that could have been made online using

BandChi! is TOTALLY FREE to the artists and venues. Free 99! You can list your events, use the URL to email and bulletin, and sell more tickets to shows using online networking (like Myspace and Facebook).

Listen up people … the music industry has changed dramatically over the past few years. With the advent of digital recordings and short run CD shops, just about anybody can record and publish a CD with mainstream distribution. The competition is fierce!

Serf! One of the coolest guys you will ever meet!

Consider if you will, that simply releasing a music CD is no more than hanging a shingle in hopes of capitalizing on some drive by business. To be successful, an artist needs to leverage the resources available to them to promote and grow their brand.

Well guess what?? BandChi! offers complete PR and marketing services. BandChi! will pull in the reins if you will, and wrap their heads around the artists and where they fit into the market, and then package them as a marketable product. They then proceed to market and promote that artist, helping them to grow both their product sales and event attendance.

Venues and Labels pay the bills. Bodies and dedicated fans keep them happy and the money rolling.

Note: Serious artists keep that at the front of their mind. BandChi! will help artits to focus on these two things and reap greater rewards. Follow the money!!

BandChi. com typically publishes a new article every two to three weeks that focuses on a single artist that is “working it”. This means that they are living the Indie dream and Bandchi will do your article as a courtesy to share their successes and failures for other indie artists to experience and learn from. Go to and read them. You will see that the theme runs through every one of them. BandChi! says they never do bad press!

BandChi! pages get hits over 300 times daily now. People don’t just visit real quick either, they linger and read articles and explore the site. BandChi! recently added a feature artist section to the site where they offer artist advertising. It’s cheap, but it’s efficient and an excellent example of how an artist can (and should) promote. Also how to grow their brand by simply creating awareness.

Lastly … BandChi! has recently been organizing a full scale promotion division; aptly called BandChi! Productions. Not to give too much away, but BandChi! will be creating compilation albums with some feature artists that will be used to organize national events and small tours. Those compilation CDs will be released in mainstream distribution as well as delivered to strategic venues, promoters, and labels.

Now that you have the info, hit up! You will not be sorry! Make sure to let them know Socially it sent ya! XOXO!

I would like to thank Serf for the thorough verbiage regarding BandChi!. With out him this blog would not be possible!

We love to hear from you, please leave a comment! Also, sign up for our RSS feed! The link for that is the orange icon thing located at the right hand side of our site (upper corner).


One response to “ and Battle of the Band Chi!!”

  1. It isn’t often that the “Reviewers” are “Reviewed”. In this case we couldn’t be more proud of our friends, Anita to call her out, at for taking the time and interest in doing a write up about BandChi!
    We are honored beyond words and so very proud to have been blessed with this recognition.
    Anita, thanks a million for your interest and hard work. And as always thanks to SociallyIt for keeping us all in check and being the best we can be.
    Love you beyond words…

    Peace – Serf ~

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